Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tasks Thursday

Hi Folks!

I woke this morning with the full intention to get some writing done, specifically the blog, early in the day after work.  Unfortunately, today was filled with obstacles and one mundane task after another.  I typically try to have as little work to complete by this late day of the week, but not this time.  I was bombarded with one item/issue/catastrophe/error/problem/concern after another. Yuck. 
With that being the case, I came in and did what any writer would do on a hectic day.... I took a full fledged nap. And I feel great, inspired, refreshed, alive. Now I can write.

True Blood Episode 29: Trouble

OK! Tara has been, for the second season in a row, turned into an absolute shrieking violet.  I am so mad that her strong willed character continues to find herself in one desperate situation after another.  And I so want to like her, but right now, I'm hoping that she actually becomes a vampire bride.  Bad, I know. Well, perhaps Were Bride since she was chased down and Debo'd by Cooter last week.
Sookie is also a little less than herself - or at least her character's full potential - as well.  The very best scene was her brush with Fae power in Alcide's living room against the vampires.  And I'm having a hard time believing in Bill, but since his trust is questionable in the book series as well, I won't - can't - complain about it.
Eric... well, he's just as sexy as ever! Nuff said.
Jason has another conquest.  She's different... I'm afraid to say what I think he'll be afflicted with, as Alan Ball, the television show screenwriter, is a tricky dude.  Let's just say, I think he'll turn out even hotter and sexier (er) than before.
In my best sing-song voice: Lafayette got a boyfriend!
That little fellow is welcome in my sandbox anytime.
Here's a quick recap to tickle your fancy.  I can't spend a whole lot of time here, as I'm reviewing The Fever Series, one book one week at a time... from the very beginning.  Take a look down there.... right after the clip!

The Fever Series - Darkfever
Author: Karen Marie Moning

I must confess. On a desperate attempt to explore new things (I stopped smoking a month ago and rumor has it, upon return of your cilia, one becomes more affected by stimuli - specifically romance and such), I tried Faeries.  We all know how sexy they are.  I usually don't, but my new, smoke free body said "C'mon... you know you want it..." And I did.  Boy, did I ever. But let me tell you about the first book.

Darkfever introduces us to our heroine - Mackayla Lane.  This girl is just about as sweet as Georgia peaches and Southern Belles can be, right down to her unadulterated love of all things pink.  Cute as a button, and simply beautiful.  She is absolutely the kind of woman that you see walking down the street and want to stone to death.  She's even twenty-two.  I'm thinking at the start, please... for the love of Monty Hall, please cut me some slack with the adult version of the Sweet Valley High 'Good' twin.  Against my better judgment, I push beyond page three. After all, she is a barmaid.  There has to be some bad ass in there.
Sooo glad that I did!
This is one of the rockin' and rollinest chick heroines that I've ever encountered.  Upon learning of her sister's death in Dublin, Ireland, she hops her happy ass - against her parent's wishes - on the first plane smoking.  Immediately, just about, she begins seeing things that are simply fascinating and terrifying. Namely the Fae in their 'Unseelie' form, despite their glamour spells on their innocent victims and the rest of humanity.  I'm thinking - freak yea - I don't have to wait to get into the good stuff.
In her quest to find her sister's killer, she finds her entire world was merely a pampered facade of real life, which turns out to be literally brimming with mystical creatures and fanciful weapons, and Death-by-Sex faerie.
Not to mention, her reluctant savior in Barrons.  He is one of the most unscrupulous men that I've encountered in a book in a very long time... I would definitely run off with him into the Casbah!  Yum-My!
I am so glad that I tried this book.  I heard some folks on Twitter asking about reviews of older books, well, here you go! One hot little oldie but goody!

It is the very best series I've started in a great while. Overall score 8.5/10 stars!

Darkfever (Fever Series, Book 1)And guess what... The first book is free on Kindle.  The second, which I'm already several chapters into is a meager six bucks!

Take a look and see if you like it.

I did and got some use of my cilia to boot!

Happy Paranormal Travels Friends!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Unfortunately, a rash of storms broke out in Metropolitan Detroit and the small suburban cities that my sister and I reside were converged upon with strong winds and flooding throughout the area.  It left my sister's power out.  On the up side, I got to have a slumber party with my little sister - don't tell her I called her 'little'.
Anyway, I introduced her to some paranormal t.v. last night, watching a rerun of the last episode of True Blood. 
As I explained some of the differences between the television and the book series, we stumbled upon Jason Stackhouse.  His television character, as I'm sure you guys are aware, is a big slice of hotness!  Liking that.  But, then I told her about his character and at present, in the books anyway, he is a werepanther....  She burst into laughter. 

While I am fully aware that she doesn't exactly share my love of all things paranormal (except demons - they're a little creepy), I didn't exactly expect her to burst her sides laughing.  After all, we were watching that hot piece of panther on the tube.  I queried.... What exactly is so freaking funny?  Didn't this heifer ask me if there were any werecougars??? WTH?  I almost spit out my drink!  Can you imagine? A werecougar!? And who exactly would be the prey? All the other younger weres? Can you imagine a series of that magnitude? For cheese and crackers!

A hot ass mess!

Thanks little sister for feeding me the fuel for a series of werecougar romance. The heroine would need to be at least 62 with a yummy 31 year old lumberjack to hunt!
I'm off to write what I can only inagine will be best seller quality chick lit!  Have a great weekend folks!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Switch a' Roo and a Contest Too!

Of course I'm referring to Eric in my title for today's blog!  I totally thought that Sookie was dreaming of Eric! I mean, I knew it.  I love it!
If you follow the series (book), you know why... This is getting good!
Well, let's dish.  My friends, I'm a bit conflicted on Bill not rescuing Sookie.  He must be a secret agent for the Council.  That is another 8 episodes down the road I think.  We'll see... won't we!
How about my fav, Lafayette!  He is awesomer in 3D.  (Awesomer is a word - just ask my teenager!)  Eric sure saved his booty!
And of course, Sookie and Alcide... in my mind, he wasn't nearly as young as his t.v. version, but they've done okay.  Sookie looks like she wouldn't be opposed to being his friend with benefits... Shoot, me either!

Here's the recap:

Also, for you aspiring writers out there - the Knight Agency has an awesome Twitter contest.  Just Tweet the reason that you Love Paranormal and your could win either a 1st Chapter Review or for you readers, 25 books for your library! It doesn't get any better than that.  Hurry! The contest ends on 7/15/10 at 3 pm EST.
Follow the link below or follow me on Twitter (alizamannauthor) for more information.

Alright, that's it for today!

Til next time - hang tough bangers!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today, Yesterday, and the Day Before

I hardly know where to begin with today's blog.  In the time since we've last spoken, I've indulged myself in a literal smorgasbord of the paranormal.

First, let's talk about Charliane Harris' latest installment of the Sookie Stackhouse series - Dead in the Family.  In this diatribe, we find a kinder gentler Eric who is fully aware of the blood bond between he and Sookie.  Carefully cultivated over the years, it is at the peak of heighented awareness between the lusty pair.  I utterly loved their relationship here.  While the moments between their interludes felt at times fleeting, I could see the anger, love, and intrigue between the two.  That's what I liked.  What I didn't like was the lack of Bill, the inability for Sookie to connect with her need to find out what she is capable of - a part faerie, she may be extremely powerful.  That part of her character has never been developed.  Leave me wanting her to grow up a bit more.  Also, the wolves (weres) seem so utterly subjective to their flawed emotions.  OK, so I know they've always been portrayed that way, but wouldn't it be nice to break the mold a little...

Then, I've watched the teen saga - Twilight Eclipse.  Bella seems almost two steps closer to accepting herself as completely helpless...  She did take a step towards ownership of some level of passion.  I felt better about that... I could appreciate the newborns, which I thought was an ode to the bygone days of vampirism.  I enjoyed the wolves - again, they are but slaves to their emotions....
Was it a good movie? OK, it was better than the last.  I left feeling a little frustrated.  I'm sure Bella felt the same.

Tonight, TrueBlood returns after a holiday hiatus.  I'm good with that.  It took me the whole of the weekend to fit all that parapleasure in, but it was worth it.  What a wonderful way to couch potato.

I decided to take a look back at a season highlight in parting... I'll be back tomorrow with loads of dish from tonight's episode!  Take care Supes!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm So Freakin' Late with the Dish on True Blood

Hey guys!

I'm know, it's Thursday and almost time for the next show to come on - but I was having horrible technical difficulties.  Such as my beau taking my lap top instead of his own out of town with him and I'm blocked at my day job from my own blog site... I could just spit sometimes.

Well, no sense in wastin' time, let's just dig right into it.

The most recent episode (27) had some pretty good stuff... I mean, it was alright.  Our fair Sookie continues her quest to find Mr. Compton even if it means she has to trek into a were-bar in search of her man.  He must be pretty dog gone good at whatever it is he does to her (snarky giggle) for her to venture off into Mississippi to find him in the face of all sorts of unruliness.  Sure, I know we've seen exactly what he does, but there ain't no way to tell how it feels...
My buddy Lafayette received a helluva gift - if you look really close, you can see the door lock light up if the keys are in the ignition!  I love that car. Umph!
Tara got some of that goodgood from the newest stranger.  He is a little weird looking... she can never get it quite right.
And the headless dead body of what I thought (yes, I've admitted that I was wrong to myself for those past posts stating that he would be a Vampire) was Jessica's very own Newbie-Vamp was beheaded by the new Vamp in town - yep, the one that was banging Tara.  If I may ask a question... why the hell is it that everybody Tara sleeps with ends up being some type of sociopath...  Just an observation.

Here's the recap clip:

But guys... stage direction: move in closer to the screen becuase I'm going to whisper.
It looks like next week is more interesting than the past... It looks like the show will illustrate a bit of Bill's dark side - just like in the books.  I would love to see the Sookie character draw a closer similarity... just pipe dreamin'.

Here's the preview for July 11... I know, there's a break for the holiday. I was bummed too:

Alright now, don't go away all down in the mouth.  Charlaine Harris happens to have a new Sookie novel out - been out for a couple of months now - and it's a sight better than the last one.  Take a gander in your idle time... ok, so probably Sunday during the time slot for our show!

I'm thinking it's not available for Kindle - which by the way, is in a huge price war with the B&N Nook.  The 6" monitor is $189 and the newest version of the Kindle DX experienced a sharp price drop as well - it has a HUGE screen and is just under $400... probably to compete with the iPad.

Well fangers, I'll talk to you guys later!

Have a Tremendous holiday!
