Hello There!
I am absolutely stoked about this newest blog. I've been an enthusiastic reader; writer; and watcher of all things paranormal from VanHelsing to Twilight to True Blood (Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charliane Harris) to The Mummy... ok, so The Mummy is a stretch, but it does fit the bill.
I should clarify, I HATE horror movies... I don't like the blood, guts, and gore that is typically associated with them. I don't really know why, but there are lots of folks that simply can't understand that concept. Well, let me explain myself - I'm a hopeless romantic, and I love seeing that hopelessness in my literary figures - i.e. a slayer in love with a vampire, a man trapped in a new form (werewolf, vamp...) that prevents the romance of a lifetime, et cetera, et cetera.
I am truly in love with being in love, and the very minute that I find a paranormal critter to share my life with, I'm kicking my almost perfect, albeit human, boyfriend to the curb.
I figured, what better way to spend my time that writing about my love of all things paranormal??
Since I'm here, let me show you a few of my fave's...
1. The Entity - The movie was responsible for the first minor quake in my nether regions! A sexy, creepy to some, allegedly non fiction story of girl meets incubus.
2. Dracula - effin Bram Stoker's Dracula - Woooweee! My relationship to the young, freaking HOT Count was somewhat unnatural... I think I'll watch that one later tonight!
3. Blade - Now I've never, ever, thought anything of Wesley Snipes, but from some reason, that polyurethane trench coat with a big ass blade hanging out either end had my forefinger in my mouth.
4. The Mummy III - Call it what you like, and barring the love interest change in the middle of a trilogy, I think that when you combine a relatively sexy Brendan Fraser - if you go for the dumb an' beefy type - and that Jet Li (again, the young hawt version), you can color me happy!
5. True Blood and/or Sookie Stackhouse Series: Love, love, love this. Eric is my man!! Woo! By the way, the new season will be here in just a couple short months on HBO. But, do me a favor and read the series. We writers will become starving artists for sure if everyone forsakes the literary for the quick fix that tv and the big screen offer... Pretty please!
Those five movies, book series, and television shows, while they may be somewhat mainstream, are gloriously sexy and well thought out.
Makes my heart flutter at the very thought.
I hope you enjoyed my first blog on Paranormal Playground and that you will visit us again.
Be sure to take a gander in one venue or another when you get a chance.
Till next time, guard your neck, wear some silver, and please stay away from graveyards!
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